Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Feed regularly
My Mom was concerned that the cat wouldn't have enough foods with all the mousies sleeping, so she put food in a dish that's nearly the size of the litter box. The dish in front is the normal foods bowl.
The cat just sat there and looked at it with an *aroo?*. I'm sure she was thinking something along the lines of:
"What the heck am I supposed to do with that?!?" or...
"Buffet? I do not eat buffet... I order!" or...
"I hope this isn't my human's way of telling me they are bringing a cheetah home... cause if so, we're gonna to need a bigger litter box too!"
Wanna hear a funny?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
I've had the hiccups three times in the last two days. Not just cute little ones either, no... these were like an upset to the delicate inter-dimensional pressure balance, via a tear in the space time continuum... and by space time continuum I mean diaphragm.
Mom laughed at me, because she's sensitive like that. I don't think she fully grasped the seriousness of the situation... what if I'd been hungry!?!
Mom laughed at me, because she's sensitive like that. I don't think she fully grasped the seriousness of the situation... what if I'd been hungry!?!
Looking forward
I don't know what it is, but I just feel "mer"... with a half-hearted shoulder shrug.
I've just got that end of a visit type feeling, like when it's been so great visiting a friend that you're sad knowing you have to leave soon. The kind where you don't enjoy Sunday as much because you know you're going to have to get up early on Monday...
I think maybe too it's that end of the year time when you look back, and forget all the things you filled your year up with and go "*sigh* I didn't accomplish anything this year..."
I say this only because it recently happened to me. I was lamenting all the things I didn't do this year. Like become president, take over the world... or launch my stuntman career... Until it was pointed out to me that "Dude you've been on a boat for three months". And prior to that I was getting ready to be on a boat... so yes 'Go sailing and live on a boat - check!'
This lack of accomplishment is similar to but not to be confused with tax season, when you see how much the government thinks you made compared with your bank account balance... and wonder idly what exactly you spent all that money on?
So as the New Year is symbolic of adventures waiting just around the corner, I am putting down my suitcase of guilt for things left undone and I am going to put all my energy into doing cool things again this year. I want to focus a little bit more on my creative side, with any luck I'll something worthy of posting... to be honest you'll probably see it all anyways whether it's worthy or not ;)
I must say though it has been a great incentive keeping our recent sailing adventures updated on here and I am honored by how many of you have taken the time to respond to me via comments and emails.
I've just got that end of a visit type feeling, like when it's been so great visiting a friend that you're sad knowing you have to leave soon. The kind where you don't enjoy Sunday as much because you know you're going to have to get up early on Monday...
I think maybe too it's that end of the year time when you look back, and forget all the things you filled your year up with and go "*sigh* I didn't accomplish anything this year..."
I say this only because it recently happened to me. I was lamenting all the things I didn't do this year. Like become president, take over the world... or launch my stuntman career... Until it was pointed out to me that "Dude you've been on a boat for three months". And prior to that I was getting ready to be on a boat... so yes 'Go sailing and live on a boat - check!'
This lack of accomplishment is similar to but not to be confused with tax season, when you see how much the government thinks you made compared with your bank account balance... and wonder idly what exactly you spent all that money on?
So as the New Year is symbolic of adventures waiting just around the corner, I am putting down my suitcase of guilt for things left undone and I am going to put all my energy into doing cool things again this year. I want to focus a little bit more on my creative side, with any luck I'll something worthy of posting... to be honest you'll probably see it all anyways whether it's worthy or not ;)
I must say though it has been a great incentive keeping our recent sailing adventures updated on here and I am honored by how many of you have taken the time to respond to me via comments and emails.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Everyone has their Christmas traditions, sometimes you do something one year... and then again, until one Christmas you can't remember not doing it like that. This year is the first year that all the kids haven't been home... it was a lot quieter for lack of a better word, and I almost don't want to admit it, but I missed my middle brother ;o)
So just in case you were thinking you might miss us a little bit too, I've compiled some of the crazy family traditions that we do every year that are both a comfort and a curse... like eating too much turkey, it tastes soooo good until your fat pants don't fit... I never learn.
Well Ben and I set up the tree, and managed not to lose any blood or eyeballs to the vindictive branches. As usual we forgot to put the tinsel and beads on after the lights and had to squish it in and around the decorations already on the tree...
The majority of the wrapping was done the night before
Mom and I both settled in on the floor
"a little somthin' somethin' " some giggles and laughs
its amazing how quickly that makes the time pass
Wrapping paper has always been reused
favorite patterns looking slightly abused
they've been wrapped and reopened so many times
its hard to tell which presents are mine
All the stockings are hung by the chimney with care...
then delivered to our bedside when we're not aware
When we woke at five, we all had to wait
till we'd solved all our puzzles or it turned eight!
Now that we're older it's not so bad
the only one getting up early is Dad
Ben, Mom and I have been staying up late
So it was okay not starting till after eight
Then we have to wake Mom up, and wait while she pees
get a pictures on the stairs, in our jammies
we all used to fit, stockings and all on one stair
now its a squish to get two of us in there
After the presents come pancakes, made by Dad
There is bacon, peaches and whip cream to be had
Special yummy syrups warmed up of course
by the time we get started we could eat a horse
Traditional puzzle, a wizard this year
Ben hid the last piece so I flicked his ear
Watching the Grinch after turkey on the couch
We all nodded off with nary a belch
So if you think you missed the excitement, have no fear
Nobody bled on the carpet... this year ;)
So just in case you were thinking you might miss us a little bit too, I've compiled some of the crazy family traditions that we do every year that are both a comfort and a curse... like eating too much turkey, it tastes soooo good until your fat pants don't fit... I never learn.
Well Ben and I set up the tree, and managed not to lose any blood or eyeballs to the vindictive branches. As usual we forgot to put the tinsel and beads on after the lights and had to squish it in and around the decorations already on the tree...
The majority of the wrapping was done the night before
Mom and I both settled in on the floor
"a little somthin' somethin' " some giggles and laughs
its amazing how quickly that makes the time pass
Wrapping paper has always been reused
favorite patterns looking slightly abused
they've been wrapped and reopened so many times
its hard to tell which presents are mine
All the stockings are hung by the chimney with care...
then delivered to our bedside when we're not aware
When we woke at five, we all had to wait
till we'd solved all our puzzles or it turned eight!
Now that we're older it's not so bad
the only one getting up early is Dad
Ben, Mom and I have been staying up late
So it was okay not starting till after eight
Then we have to wake Mom up, and wait while she pees
get a pictures on the stairs, in our jammies
we all used to fit, stockings and all on one stair
now its a squish to get two of us in there
After the presents come pancakes, made by Dad
There is bacon, peaches and whip cream to be had
Special yummy syrups warmed up of course
by the time we get started we could eat a horse
Traditional puzzle, a wizard this year
Ben hid the last piece so I flicked his ear
Watching the Grinch after turkey on the couch
We all nodded off with nary a belch
So if you think you missed the excitement, have no fear
Nobody bled on the carpet... this year ;)
Adventures in...
Friday, December 24, 2010
I've been dreaming of a white Christmas...
But it looks like it will be another damp Christmas with a chance of flooding here on the Wet Coast... in fact I'm starting to think it's a really good idea that we have a boat in the front yard.
It's been raining for the 12 days of Christmas, not particularly hard but it's been relentless. There are whirlpools forming. Seriously.
This is how it starts... first a little whirlpool and then next thing you know half of Saskatchewan is under water!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are safe and sound, surrounded by loved one and warm fuzzies!
It's been raining for the 12 days of Christmas, not particularly hard but it's been relentless. There are whirlpools forming. Seriously.
This is how it starts... first a little whirlpool and then next thing you know half of Saskatchewan is under water!
Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you are safe and sound, surrounded by loved one and warm fuzzies!
Things that make me giggle
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Because that's what I've always done...
I'm sorting through and purging 10+ years worth of credit card and bank statements and assorted pieces of associated papers because I was under the impression you should keep them... the trouble is I had no idea *what* you were supposed to keep them for.
This evening my Mom helped me figure out what's important(ish) and what I don't need at all... I'm in the process of purging, it's tedious, but surprisingly uplifting!
I'm sorting through and purging 10+ years worth of credit card and bank statements and assorted pieces of associated papers because I was under the impression you should keep them... the trouble is I had no idea *what* you were supposed to keep them for.
This evening my Mom helped me figure out what's important(ish) and what I don't need at all... I'm in the process of purging, it's tedious, but surprisingly uplifting!
Things I have learned
My Mom has amazingly wonderful girlfriends, I can't imagine what it would be like to lose any of my best friends. I hope that they know, they're not allowed to leave my life just yet.
Over the past week I've been there in the background for my Mom, and occasionally in the spotlight... but it's given me a unique place from which to watch the coming and goings.
It has been incredible to watch the group of women some of whom were friends through my Auntie Helen, support each other, and come together. There have been so many phone calls, words of comfort and support and offers for help with all kinds of skill sets.
Although I will not be able to stay long after Christmas, it's good to know I'll be leaving her with many helping hands.
Over the past week I've been there in the background for my Mom, and occasionally in the spotlight... but it's given me a unique place from which to watch the coming and goings.
It has been incredible to watch the group of women some of whom were friends through my Auntie Helen, support each other, and come together. There have been so many phone calls, words of comfort and support and offers for help with all kinds of skill sets.
Although I will not be able to stay long after Christmas, it's good to know I'll be leaving her with many helping hands.
There are still beautiful things
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Nom nom nom
In Soviet Russia you don't eat cheese... cheese eats you!
RAWWWRR! Dinosaur cheese! Aren't these wicked?!?! *grins* Kids these days have no idea how good they've got it... ;)
(My Aunt Shirly gave me these though, she's cool like that)
RAWWWRR! Dinosaur cheese! Aren't these wicked?!?! *grins* Kids these days have no idea how good they've got it... ;)
(My Aunt Shirly gave me these though, she's cool like that)
Things that make me smile
Monday, December 20, 2010
My good deed for the day Christmas
I went for a run this morning, and somehow or other I ended up running down to the old boat ramp rather than down the trail behind our house... it wasn't exactly a conscious decision.
As usual I had impeccable timing. I arrived at the boat ramp just after an older fellow had parked on it, boat on trailer. There was driftwood all over the place, but of course there was one waterlogged log completely spanning the road and totally in the way.
We started chatting as I caught my breath and he told me he was trying to get to Mudge Is. to pick up Christmas decorations. I began to help him clear the driftwood out of the way. Now I know I'm not exactly huge, but why is it that everyone thinks I'm going to hurt myself if I even think about doing anything physical? Do I look like a maiden in distress?!?! Sheesh! ;)
The small stuff was easy, but the long log proved to be much more difficult... But somehow between the two of us chatting and levering, the ocean drift caught it and with one final push it was off the ramp and swinging out of the way.
We introduced ourselves, and my new friend John thanked me for my help saying he would never have managed it on his own... but as I jogged home I thought to myself how easy it had seemed with both of us.
It's kinda cool how much easier things like that seem to go when you're working on it with someone else.
As usual I had impeccable timing. I arrived at the boat ramp just after an older fellow had parked on it, boat on trailer. There was driftwood all over the place, but of course there was one waterlogged log completely spanning the road and totally in the way.
We started chatting as I caught my breath and he told me he was trying to get to Mudge Is. to pick up Christmas decorations. I began to help him clear the driftwood out of the way. Now I know I'm not exactly huge, but why is it that everyone thinks I'm going to hurt myself if I even think about doing anything physical? Do I look like a maiden in distress?!?! Sheesh! ;)
The small stuff was easy, but the long log proved to be much more difficult... But somehow between the two of us chatting and levering, the ocean drift caught it and with one final push it was off the ramp and swinging out of the way.
We introduced ourselves, and my new friend John thanked me for my help saying he would never have managed it on his own... but as I jogged home I thought to myself how easy it had seemed with both of us.
It's kinda cool how much easier things like that seem to go when you're working on it with someone else.
Random Encounter
Epic roadtrip
Kentucky... far enough south they have a cool accent, where they can teach you the proper use of "y'all" and "all y'all" and well yeah...this sign says some of it, I was told it was too cold to go catfish noodling... maybe next time.
Where toques are called toboggans... and yes they are aware that a toboggan is a sled... *shrugs* Go figure. The land of Wildcat blue where basketball is as sacred as hockey is to Canadians... Where the game-time rituals would get you committed in most places, and the outcome is totally dependent on how many fans are giving the right advice amongst the cheers and the curses. This is where I was introduced to Ale8 a sparkling addictive pop with higher consumption stats than 'fridge beer'... It ranks right up there as one of the first things requested when being picked up from the airport.
Road trip to Columbus... where the skies opened up, and the angels sang... THEY HAVE TIMMY'S!!!!! *happy dance* <--- This doesn't even begin to describe how excited I was after not having Timmy's for 3 months. In fact on the way to Columbus *somebody* reset Trixie (the gps) for the nearest Timmy's... Leaving Timmy's with my medium double double (the equivalent of our large) a Canadian Maple with a huge grin on my face, I was described as a six year old leaving the candy store.
Roadtrip to St. Louis, the Gateway to the West. Land of the super huge "Ooooh SHINY!" arch *smiles*
Do you know what was even better than the arch though?!? My new friends took us to the City Museum... now I know you're thinking "Dude... Seriously? Another museum?" Well let me tell you, this isn't any ordinary museum... this is the *coolest* museum I've ever been to in my entire life! For real. It's like non-nightmarish Tim Burton cool!
It's so wicked you can touch practically everything... none of this walking around just reading, you can climb on stuff! There's an entire floor with different bits of stonework like the gargoyles from old buildings that were being torn down...
There's a 10 story slide, which I tested of course, and it was awesome! (I was a little dizzy at the bottom though) It's one of those spirally chutes you can see...
And an enchanted caves section *grins* with lights and water fountains and tunnels... oooh and basically giant welded slinkys you can climb through!
Everywhere you look large quantities of parts that were going to be scrapped have been turned into something cool, and worked into the surroundings in an artistic way. There are columns covered in tiny gears, filled with marbles... hanging scraps of fiberglass cloth, wall paneling that upon closer inspection are old printing plates!
A huge playground indoors and outdoors that is the perfect size for big kids AND little kids, with a bonfire for the parents... so even when it's minus 3, you can still play outside! There are slides, an airplane, a really for real tower... like from a castle! There's even more stuff on the roof, including a bus that HANGS OVER THE EDGE!
Unfortunately the roof and the aquarium were closed... so I'm going to have to go back and check it out in the summertime, I'm pretty sure there are some sections I missed too ;)
Adventures in...,
Daily Snap,
Things I have learned
Sporadic spontaneous roadtrip!
*smiles* so I got a few "Kentucky?!?" type emails ranging from pointing out my lack of geography skills (I now know that Kentucky most certainly is *not* on the coast) to asking if I'd finally jumped ship and abandoned my father. I'm not going to lie, the thought occurred to me.
But seriously, I had so much fun. I can fully admit to this now that I'm home, but I flew half way across the *another* country to meet up with some people I met... on 'the internet'. I uh, told my father before he flew home that I was visiting some friends I met at University... Heh sorry Dad, I just didn't want you to have a stroke in the States, health-care is expensive down there ;)
It was the coolest thing, I actually met people in 3 different states, and it was like I was meeting up with old friends I hadn't seen in year. I will not bore you with the details of our visits, but I found myself in comfortable company... talking and dancing in the living-room into the wee hours of the morning.
There are people who cross our paths, who against all odds, catch our attention... Each of them enriching our lives, leaving us a little better than when they found us... if we let them.
But seriously, I had so much fun. I can fully admit to this now that I'm home, but I flew half way across the *another* country to meet up with some people I met... on 'the internet'. I uh, told my father before he flew home that I was visiting some friends I met at University... Heh sorry Dad, I just didn't want you to have a stroke in the States, health-care is expensive down there ;)
It was the coolest thing, I actually met people in 3 different states, and it was like I was meeting up with old friends I hadn't seen in year. I will not bore you with the details of our visits, but I found myself in comfortable company... talking and dancing in the living-room into the wee hours of the morning.
There are people who cross our paths, who against all odds, catch our attention... Each of them enriching our lives, leaving us a little better than when they found us... if we let them.
Adventures in...,
I'm not going to lie...
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Stop that truck!
Nothing says "Holiday Spirit" like a giant candle stuck to the front of your truck, especially when it looks like it's trying to slow your truck down.
Things that make me giggle
Saturday, December 18, 2010
In Honor of an Incredible Woman
I read the following at the memorial service for one of my Mom's best friends today. I made it all the way through *proud smile* even if everyone else didn't ;)
"We all have families that we are born into, but sometimes families change, and we have to build our own."
Helen has always been 'Auntie Helen' in my life.
In fact she's been a part of our lives so long, that when my little brother was still smaller than me (I don't even outweigh him anymore) he lost a pair of brand new, itty bitty socks at her house... we'd only been there for a quick visit and so we finally blamed it on the dog... Keeley would eat *anything*...
Last week, my Mom found one of those socks in the record collection.
Auntie Helen taught me many things, among them:
The importance of tea time with friends, with honey of course.
That cats are people too, and that they choose their owners and that dogs, even when they lick the walls and eat egg shells need to be loved.
That even though you may not be able to *do* something to fix a problem, you must never underestimate the power of your voice.
That you need to fight for what you believe in, be it human rights, the environment, or the potential in someone the world has overlooked.
That you're never too old to dress up like a clown and give away smiles... dressed up or not, she always had free smiles and the best hugs.
Somehow she taught me the healing properties in music, even if you know you're not very good at it.
I sing because its good for the soul.
Not because it's good for anyone around me.
The neatest thing I learned about music though, is that even when a single voice is silenced in a harmony... although the resulting chorus will never be the same again...
Each of the remaining voices can come together in a new harmony honoring all those that have come before them by never being silenced.
"We all have families that we are born into, but sometimes families change, and we have to build our own."
Helen has always been 'Auntie Helen' in my life.
In fact she's been a part of our lives so long, that when my little brother was still smaller than me (I don't even outweigh him anymore) he lost a pair of brand new, itty bitty socks at her house... we'd only been there for a quick visit and so we finally blamed it on the dog... Keeley would eat *anything*...
Last week, my Mom found one of those socks in the record collection.
Auntie Helen taught me many things, among them:
The importance of tea time with friends, with honey of course.
That cats are people too, and that they choose their owners and that dogs, even when they lick the walls and eat egg shells need to be loved.
That even though you may not be able to *do* something to fix a problem, you must never underestimate the power of your voice.
That you need to fight for what you believe in, be it human rights, the environment, or the potential in someone the world has overlooked.
That you're never too old to dress up like a clown and give away smiles... dressed up or not, she always had free smiles and the best hugs.
Somehow she taught me the healing properties in music, even if you know you're not very good at it.
I sing because its good for the soul.
Not because it's good for anyone around me.
The neatest thing I learned about music though, is that even when a single voice is silenced in a harmony... although the resulting chorus will never be the same again...
Each of the remaining voices can come together in a new harmony honoring all those that have come before them by never being silenced.
People change, friends grow together and apart, 'forever friends' meet that special someone... grow up... get married... have kids. There is nothing to mark the end of an era... but at some point it just happens. One day you find you can't call them up at 3am with a scraped heart, because you need someone to sit in the waiting room with you while it mends.
Then you find out that they're in the inner waiting room, and they've been there all along... and they couldn't find the words to tell you that they needed you to sit with them.
Then you find out that they're in the inner waiting room, and they've been there all along... and they couldn't find the words to tell you that they needed you to sit with them.
Stuff with a capital *uff*
December 16th
I find it interesting, that many of the things we guard so closely as private in our living lives are bared wide open in death. Intimate details are written up honoring our accomplishments, and yet one would hope that our closest friends already knew our accomplishments before we died.
What would you want to be able to change, if you knew that tomorrow your closest friends would be up to their waist in your internal affairs? Cleaning... trying to figure out what's worth keeping and what isn't, going through everything you've kept, sorting it into garbage, keepsakes and stuff that might be worth something on ebay.
How many things do we keep that really, aren't worth the investment. Okay sure there are clothes, those keep you from getting arrested. And there's sports equipment... I'll admit I'm a little biased in this department. But then there are books, and CD's and just stuff. Okay really, it's all just stuff... Sometimes it seems we keep it because that's what you're supposed to do. Your stuff starts to define who you are, and before you know it you need your stuff to tell people about you.
What you have, the things in your life aren't nearly as important as what you take from them, and how you put it all back together. I want to be the collection of things that make me a better person, without having to carry everything around with me, ever in fear of losing myself.
I find it interesting, that many of the things we guard so closely as private in our living lives are bared wide open in death. Intimate details are written up honoring our accomplishments, and yet one would hope that our closest friends already knew our accomplishments before we died.
What would you want to be able to change, if you knew that tomorrow your closest friends would be up to their waist in your internal affairs? Cleaning... trying to figure out what's worth keeping and what isn't, going through everything you've kept, sorting it into garbage, keepsakes and stuff that might be worth something on ebay.
How many things do we keep that really, aren't worth the investment. Okay sure there are clothes, those keep you from getting arrested. And there's sports equipment... I'll admit I'm a little biased in this department. But then there are books, and CD's and just stuff. Okay really, it's all just stuff... Sometimes it seems we keep it because that's what you're supposed to do. Your stuff starts to define who you are, and before you know it you need your stuff to tell people about you.
What you have, the things in your life aren't nearly as important as what you take from them, and how you put it all back together. I want to be the collection of things that make me a better person, without having to carry everything around with me, ever in fear of losing myself.
Don't wear red
December 15th
We've taken up the time honored, tradition known as the waving of the death certificate. Now we watch the bulls dance, and while keeping time... do our best to weave amongst them, with the sole purpose of making it out the other side unscathed.
We've taken up the time honored, tradition known as the waving of the death certificate. Now we watch the bulls dance, and while keeping time... do our best to weave amongst them, with the sole purpose of making it out the other side unscathed.
Catching up
I need to apologize for my lack of posts this week... I'm still working on compiling the wicked time I had on my sporadic side trip to Kentucky, Columbus and St. Louis. Unfortunately upon arriving home I found out that one of my Mom's best friends had passed away.
My youngest brother was finishing up exams this week, and to not distract him with something he can't change we didn't tell him. This meant that I couldn't post anything about it... I had no idea how hard it would be... here they are, they have been distracting me from finishing my road trip awesomness.
December 13th - It was a 4 house seagull day today, don't leave the house without an umbrella.
I chauferred my Mom around today while she attempted to unravel the tangled mess of executorship. Being an innocent bystander gave me a chance to observe the proceedings... and all I could think the entire time was, that there has got to be a better way to do this.
I mean of all the things in life, only death and taxes are certain. So why on earth is it so damn complicated when someone dies? This should practically be an art form by now.
We met with a nice lady at the funeral home, and pre-filled some of the paperwork out. Discovered that not only do you pay extra on flights if you are over-wide, you also have to pay extra to be cremated. Seriously go figure. Apparently they have to order the cardboard tray in special from Nigeria, and each one is hand made by monkeys that were trained as astronauts. They must be, because what else would account for a cardboard tray costing $400 more for the supersize?
After that we talked to the bank and effectively established that we're stuck in a holding pattern until the cause of death has been declared by the coroner... who it sounds like is avoiding the autopsy and checking with her doctor to establish if there is reasonable assumption that it could be 'natural causes'.
Basically it goes like this, the funeral place wants to cremate asap... however they also want to be paid up front. While they can bill the deceased person's bank directly, the executor still needs to check that there are enough funds to cover the expenses. The bank will not tell you yea or nay until they have an officially dead dead certificate, and the funeral place can't give you the officially dead dead certificate until the coroner has confirmed that the person is dead dead, not just mostly dead... and declared the time and cause of death.
So "hurry up and wait".
My youngest brother was finishing up exams this week, and to not distract him with something he can't change we didn't tell him. This meant that I couldn't post anything about it... I had no idea how hard it would be... here they are, they have been distracting me from finishing my road trip awesomness.
December 13th - It was a 4 house seagull day today, don't leave the house without an umbrella.
I chauferred my Mom around today while she attempted to unravel the tangled mess of executorship. Being an innocent bystander gave me a chance to observe the proceedings... and all I could think the entire time was, that there has got to be a better way to do this.
I mean of all the things in life, only death and taxes are certain. So why on earth is it so damn complicated when someone dies? This should practically be an art form by now.
We met with a nice lady at the funeral home, and pre-filled some of the paperwork out. Discovered that not only do you pay extra on flights if you are over-wide, you also have to pay extra to be cremated. Seriously go figure. Apparently they have to order the cardboard tray in special from Nigeria, and each one is hand made by monkeys that were trained as astronauts. They must be, because what else would account for a cardboard tray costing $400 more for the supersize?
After that we talked to the bank and effectively established that we're stuck in a holding pattern until the cause of death has been declared by the coroner... who it sounds like is avoiding the autopsy and checking with her doctor to establish if there is reasonable assumption that it could be 'natural causes'.
Basically it goes like this, the funeral place wants to cremate asap... however they also want to be paid up front. While they can bill the deceased person's bank directly, the executor still needs to check that there are enough funds to cover the expenses. The bank will not tell you yea or nay until they have an officially dead dead certificate, and the funeral place can't give you the officially dead dead certificate until the coroner has confirmed that the person is dead dead, not just mostly dead... and declared the time and cause of death.
So "hurry up and wait".
Personal Significance
Friday, December 17, 2010
The k is silent
My friend and I were chatting the other night, and well this is what happens when I'm tired... my fingers type faster than I can think.
Her: sheesh..i cant even type tonight..who confuses no and know? lol
Me: I didn't knowtice
Her: ass lol
Apparently my subconscious typing committee has some sharp witty writers on staff.
Her: sheesh..i cant even type tonight..who confuses no and know? lol
Me: I didn't knowtice
Her: ass lol
Apparently my subconscious typing committee has some sharp witty writers on staff.
Things that make me giggle
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Days since the last injury?
Don't worry, we haven't had to reset the days since last injury *yet*
If we were a job site, we would have been shut down, or our union would have gone on strike. Luckily though, we are responsible for our own decisions, and we are still free to make our own mistakes.
We added two more sections to the HAM radio antenna tower today! Yay us! *happy dance*
The view from up top was wicked, I could see practically the whole property! (can't wait to put up the next section ;) Don't worry I was wearing a harness... okay, SO it wasn't always clipped on to something, but I was being careful. While I didn't need any of the extra bolts Dad gave me, he did put a hardhat on after I dropped the 3/4" wrench... although he was giving the base of the tower a fairly wide berth.
It was pretty neat though, each stable section of the tower is used along with a gin pole to raise the next section of the tower to where it can be bolted into place. Then you slide the gin pole up and wash, rinse, repeat. It's almost like picking yourself up by your own bootstraps... only not quite. The whole process is rather ingenious though, allowing two people to put up a fairly huge tower using mostly rope, without anything complicated like a crane or helicopter. Although using a helicopter would be at least +10 awesomesauce.
If we were a job site, we would have been shut down, or our union would have gone on strike. Luckily though, we are responsible for our own decisions, and we are still free to make our own mistakes.
We added two more sections to the HAM radio antenna tower today! Yay us! *happy dance*
The view from up top was wicked, I could see practically the whole property! (can't wait to put up the next section ;) Don't worry I was wearing a harness... okay, SO it wasn't always clipped on to something, but I was being careful. While I didn't need any of the extra bolts Dad gave me, he did put a hardhat on after I dropped the 3/4" wrench... although he was giving the base of the tower a fairly wide berth.
It was pretty neat though, each stable section of the tower is used along with a gin pole to raise the next section of the tower to where it can be bolted into place. Then you slide the gin pole up and wash, rinse, repeat. It's almost like picking yourself up by your own bootstraps... only not quite. The whole process is rather ingenious though, allowing two people to put up a fairly huge tower using mostly rope, without anything complicated like a crane or helicopter. Although using a helicopter would be at least +10 awesomesauce.
Nerdy note
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Baby snuggles
So I'm almost a full month behind on this one, but Congratulations to two dear friends of mine on their new baby girl Adelaide.
The other day I got some quality baby snuggle time... the sweet smell of brand new baby, her chubby little cheek squishing itself, those perfect little fingers a fraction of the size of mine that wrapped around my thumb and squeezed my heart.
There's something wonderful about holding a baby asleep in your arms, thanks for letting me borrow a little bit of that.
The other day I got some quality baby snuggle time... the sweet smell of brand new baby, her chubby little cheek squishing itself, those perfect little fingers a fraction of the size of mine that wrapped around my thumb and squeezed my heart.
There's something wonderful about holding a baby asleep in your arms, thanks for letting me borrow a little bit of that.
There are still beautiful things
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Sounds like home
Just listening to the sound of torrential downpour on the skylight... there's nothing else in the world that sounds like that.
Things that make me smile
Monday, December 13, 2010
How to stress out Mom 101
While talking to Dad on the phone, cause him to say: "The car did what?!?" with a horrified look on his face.
I'd just like to note that he was not talking to me this time *smug look*
I'd just like to note that he was not talking to me this time *smug look*
Wanna hear a funny?
Okay so while I'm one of those people that feels if you are going to eat something, eat the good stuff... no fat free syrup, or light mayo... but then there are label designers like this:
So I know what the little icon means... but is it a fat free food or not? I'm so confused...
So I know what the little icon means... but is it a fat free food or not? I'm so confused...
Things that make me giggle
Betcha didn't know...
There is a subtle difference between naked, and nekkid.
Naked means you have no clothes on...
Nekkid means you have no clothes on... and you's up to somethin'!
Just one of the many things I learned in Kentucky ;)
Naked means you have no clothes on...
Nekkid means you have no clothes on... and you's up to somethin'!
Just one of the many things I learned in Kentucky ;)
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Taking the long way home
Choosing the lesser of multiple evils, I made it home safe and sound... I swear that do-do-doodle-doodle-do-do-do-do is the sound track to my life sometimes...
I had enough time in between flights to find my next departure gate without having to run, I even had time to eat a couple times - which is always important in my world ;)
Most of the terminals looked the same, but Vegas had to be distinctive, it had slot machines in the airport!
I had enough time in between flights to find my next departure gate without having to run, I even had time to eat a couple times - which is always important in my world ;)
Most of the terminals looked the same, but Vegas had to be distinctive, it had slot machines in the airport!
Adventures in...
Riddle me this
Why is it that no matter how you pack, whatever it is that you're looking for is the last thing you find?!?!
Things I despise
Way better than airing the dirty laundry
Coming back from 3 months at sea and a week of roadtripping around the states I have to do laundry worse than a student with a full course load during exams before Christmas. Oh that's right, it is before Christmas...
Not having to do laundry right away... and having clean socks and panties waiting for me at home cause Mom did the remnants of my dirty laundry before I left?
Totally rocks, thanks Mom!
Not having to do laundry right away... and having clean socks and panties waiting for me at home cause Mom did the remnants of my dirty laundry before I left?
Totally rocks, thanks Mom!
How to charm me
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Wrap up take 3
"There's no thrill in easy sailing when the skies are clear and blue. There's no joy in merely doing things which anyone can do. But there is some satisfaction that is mighty sweet to take. When you reach a destination that you never thought you'd make"
Although we've reached the end of this trip, and we've certainly reached a destination we never thought we'd make... especially since we weren't intending on heading this way... I find myself not even the least bit disappointed. I know it sounds a little crazy, and maybe I am... okay I'm sure you know that I am by now. But I know that the next adventure is just around the corner, and whether it comes around as a continuation of this trip... or something completely unexpected, I'm ready to try it!
I didn't know what to expect when I started this trip 4 months ago. But really the awesomness of it all has blown every preconceived idea I had out of the water. I've met so many wonderfully kind people, that they've restored my faith in humankind, and that all in all people are good.
I've seen some of the amazing things that old sailors tell tall tales about... and enough to remind me how little I really am in this beautiful universe of ours. But you know what's best of all? I got to do it all with my Dad. Because the further you go from home, the more I can see it's people that make my life special.
Thanks Dad it's been a blast!
Adventures in...,
Personal Significance
Just to make it interesting
Things are always so boring in my life *rolls eyes* but just to make it interesting booking my flight to Kentucky sure pulled out all the stops.
I ended up drinking Coke in McDonalds to use the wifis...
Found a flight with United, and made it as far as the billing address... you see I have a Canadian credit card, which really wouldn't make any difference in the world except that it is associated with a Canadian address. Besides having a postal code instead of a zip code my province doesn't show up in the list of states.
No big deal, I'll just phone it in... oh right, automated voice activated system... pretty cool actually... Oh you want the 5 digits for my zip code? I know you're sorry that doesn't match what you're expecting... you're going to transfer me to a reservations associate? That would be great thanks.
Hi Cody, yes I'm trying to book a flight... yes those are the correct details... (wow your phone system *actually* transfers the details?!?) I'm trying to book it with a Canadian credit card. No, no it's okay it's not your fault your program wont do international bookings... You can transfer me to the international reservations? Great, thanks.
Hello, yes I'm trying to book a flight... from San Diego to Lexington Kentucky. On December 3rd. Yep, that's fine. Sorry you're going to have to charge me an admin fee for booking with your airline even though I can't do it online?
She says: Have you tried booking on our Canadian site?
Me: Even though I'm flying between two American cities?
I do need to interject here, that she was very nice and absolutely brilliant. She even offered to connect me to the internet reservations department so I could ask them. I declined figuring that if I couldn't find the United airways canadian site I deserved to go through the whole ordeal again.
One guessed url later I was filling in my flight plan details for the umpteenth time, only to have my laptop battery warning pop up. Luckily by this point I already knew what to fill in, and had all my details handy. With two percent remaining before my laptop goes into automatic hibernation I got the confirmation email. Boo yah!
*phew* Who needs sky diving when you can have this much excitement booking a plane ticket?!?! You don't even have to leave the comfort of McDonalds.
PS McDonalds, if you're going to advertise the free wifis you need more electrical outlets. One is not enough, luckily there was a nice lady who shared her table with me so I could sit close enough to plug in. I returned the favour, and helped her out with nerd advice on increasing the font size of her hotel confirmation number.
See, us nerds come in handy from time to time... just keep that in mind.
I ended up drinking Coke in McDonalds to use the wifis...
Found a flight with United, and made it as far as the billing address... you see I have a Canadian credit card, which really wouldn't make any difference in the world except that it is associated with a Canadian address. Besides having a postal code instead of a zip code my province doesn't show up in the list of states.
No big deal, I'll just phone it in... oh right, automated voice activated system... pretty cool actually... Oh you want the 5 digits for my zip code? I know you're sorry that doesn't match what you're expecting... you're going to transfer me to a reservations associate? That would be great thanks.
Hi Cody, yes I'm trying to book a flight... yes those are the correct details... (wow your phone system *actually* transfers the details?!?) I'm trying to book it with a Canadian credit card. No, no it's okay it's not your fault your program wont do international bookings... You can transfer me to the international reservations? Great, thanks.
Hello, yes I'm trying to book a flight... from San Diego to Lexington Kentucky. On December 3rd. Yep, that's fine. Sorry you're going to have to charge me an admin fee for booking with your airline even though I can't do it online?
She says: Have you tried booking on our Canadian site?
Me: Even though I'm flying between two American cities?
I do need to interject here, that she was very nice and absolutely brilliant. She even offered to connect me to the internet reservations department so I could ask them. I declined figuring that if I couldn't find the United airways canadian site I deserved to go through the whole ordeal again.
One guessed url later I was filling in my flight plan details for the umpteenth time, only to have my laptop battery warning pop up. Luckily by this point I already knew what to fill in, and had all my details handy. With two percent remaining before my laptop goes into automatic hibernation I got the confirmation email. Boo yah!
*phew* Who needs sky diving when you can have this much excitement booking a plane ticket?!?! You don't even have to leave the comfort of McDonalds.
PS McDonalds, if you're going to advertise the free wifis you need more electrical outlets. One is not enough, luckily there was a nice lady who shared her table with me so I could sit close enough to plug in. I returned the favour, and helped her out with nerd advice on increasing the font size of her hotel confirmation number.
See, us nerds come in handy from time to time... just keep that in mind.
Adventures in...,
Things I have learned
Wrap up take 2
Continuing from take 1, Dad found a marina with relatively decent moorage fees. Translation: he didn't have to leave his first born as a collateral *phew*. We headed over, and went through the song and dance of paperwork and the approval process to be able to park the boat here for a few months, and started packing.
It was such an oddly disjointed feeling, to go from full ahead to Mexico... to Stop. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. I felt like I'd been driving, forgot to gear down and was suddenly headed down a steep hill rapidly approaching freefall velocity... suddenly I was floating and I'd forgotten how to drive a spaceship.
There were so many things to do, and too many things to pack... and while we knew there were decently priced flights for Dad to get home, I still hadn't found and booked my flight, there was just enough internet connection to get my email, but not enough to load an airline reservations page. Oh right and the cell phone was out of minutes again.
For the first time in a very long time I questioned my own conviction that "It'll all work out, it always does... One way or another, even if it's not the way you thought it will. It'll work out."
Slowly the jigsaw puzzle we've been living in was taken apart, things migrated from one end of the boat to the other... some to be stored, others to be packed... Then everything started to fall into place, kachink, kachink... *kachunk*
I entered the mental space usually reserved for the brief period of time right before exams, one I affectionately refer to as the calm before the storm. The space reserved for doing, when all the clutter and inconsequential things have been swept aside. When anything you have no control over is ignored, and you decide that you're going to try your best.
It was such an oddly disjointed feeling, to go from full ahead to Mexico... to Stop. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. I felt like I'd been driving, forgot to gear down and was suddenly headed down a steep hill rapidly approaching freefall velocity... suddenly I was floating and I'd forgotten how to drive a spaceship.
There were so many things to do, and too many things to pack... and while we knew there were decently priced flights for Dad to get home, I still hadn't found and booked my flight, there was just enough internet connection to get my email, but not enough to load an airline reservations page. Oh right and the cell phone was out of minutes again.
For the first time in a very long time I questioned my own conviction that "It'll all work out, it always does... One way or another, even if it's not the way you thought it will. It'll work out."
Slowly the jigsaw puzzle we've been living in was taken apart, things migrated from one end of the boat to the other... some to be stored, others to be packed... Then everything started to fall into place, kachink, kachink... *kachunk*
I entered the mental space usually reserved for the brief period of time right before exams, one I affectionately refer to as the calm before the storm. The space reserved for doing, when all the clutter and inconsequential things have been swept aside. When anything you have no control over is ignored, and you decide that you're going to try your best.
Adventures in...
Note to self: Don't read/respond to email while cooking...
Things I have learned
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Wrap up take 1
Little did I realize how hard this would be to articulate, I promised I'd let you know... so I'm going to do my best. Bear with me.
A mere few days ago, as in Sunday we were getting everything wrapped up to depart down to Mexico. When suddenly Dad hit the bottom of his boat spending bank account. It is slightly ironic that the joke thusfar has been "So you're not coming home until you run out of money?" Heh. We laughed at that a few times, but apparenlty yes, this is somewhat the case. ;)
At that point we sat down and evaluated all the options. Ha surely I jest! Yeah you're right... it was more like a Roman noble's son who just learned how to drive his sport chariot Omg! Gallop gallop screech... "Outta my way!" direction change Omg! Gallop gallop JUMP! *clatter*...
We called Mom on Skype and talked, concluding it with her giving Dad a cash transfusion asap and us heading to La Paz Mexico. By the time we'd gotten off Skype with her things had changed again.
From that point on everything was a blur of ideas, should do's and don't wanna's, with a well balanced murcurial plan on the side. We took into consideration that to get there and then leave before Christmas flights got crazy expensive we'd have two weeks... and with something in the engine/transmission sounding kind of funny, we decided that realistically it just wasn't going to happen.
We trudged off in search of a Starbucks, with their free wifis and went to it... Numerous plans flew in, and out the window, but eventually we concluded that we should moor the boat here... Getting down to Mexico would take time and money, and if we were only going as far as La Paz we might as well hold off for now.
Somewhere along the way I got this crazy whispering spark of an idea. Since I'm already down here, and I still have some time before I'm supposed to be back at work again... I should go visit my friends on the east coast of the United States and twist their arm into doing a roadtrip. I'm not exactly sure the moment it happened, but that was that, I decided I was going to Kentucky!
A mere few days ago, as in Sunday we were getting everything wrapped up to depart down to Mexico. When suddenly Dad hit the bottom of his boat spending bank account. It is slightly ironic that the joke thusfar has been "So you're not coming home until you run out of money?" Heh. We laughed at that a few times, but apparenlty yes, this is somewhat the case. ;)
At that point we sat down and evaluated all the options. Ha surely I jest! Yeah you're right... it was more like a Roman noble's son who just learned how to drive his sport chariot Omg! Gallop gallop screech... "Outta my way!" direction change Omg! Gallop gallop JUMP! *clatter*...
We called Mom on Skype and talked, concluding it with her giving Dad a cash transfusion asap and us heading to La Paz Mexico. By the time we'd gotten off Skype with her things had changed again.
From that point on everything was a blur of ideas, should do's and don't wanna's, with a well balanced murcurial plan on the side. We took into consideration that to get there and then leave before Christmas flights got crazy expensive we'd have two weeks... and with something in the engine/transmission sounding kind of funny, we decided that realistically it just wasn't going to happen.
We trudged off in search of a Starbucks, with their free wifis and went to it... Numerous plans flew in, and out the window, but eventually we concluded that we should moor the boat here... Getting down to Mexico would take time and money, and if we were only going as far as La Paz we might as well hold off for now.
Somewhere along the way I got this crazy whispering spark of an idea. Since I'm already down here, and I still have some time before I'm supposed to be back at work again... I should go visit my friends on the east coast of the United States and twist their arm into doing a roadtrip. I'm not exactly sure the moment it happened, but that was that, I decided I was going to Kentucky!
Adventures in...
Goddess of the Wifis
I swear there must be a floating Google map bubble over my head that says:
Yes, I can fix your computer.
I'm not even kidding you, I was sitting in Starbucks feverishly hunched over my computer searching for flight info, transit info and marina numbers... and this guy comes over and says something along the lines of:
"Excuse me? Do you know how to set up the wifis?"
*gopher under an eagle shadow* ... train thought track DERAILED ... smooth switch to IT train ... "Yes I probably can, do you have it turned on?"
New computer, fresh out of the box, luckily for me it was preconfigured to detect 'the wifis' so all I had to do was tell him which profile to set it up as... *buffs fingernails*
Yes, I can fix your computer.
I'm not even kidding you, I was sitting in Starbucks feverishly hunched over my computer searching for flight info, transit info and marina numbers... and this guy comes over and says something along the lines of:
"Excuse me? Do you know how to set up the wifis?"
*gopher under an eagle shadow* ... train thought track DERAILED ... smooth switch to IT train ... "Yes I probably can, do you have it turned on?"
New computer, fresh out of the box, luckily for me it was preconfigured to detect 'the wifis' so all I had to do was tell him which profile to set it up as... *buffs fingernails*
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