Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Use or discard at your own risk.
I am in no way liable for the results or consequences.
Unless of course its good, then I will assume full responsibility.
What goes around comes around...
It: Can I borrow your car?
Me: Sure *hands over keys*
Me: It smells kind of like baseball though...
It: That's okay, in a few seconds your office is going to smell like farts.
From the Captain
Finally got a phone card to use the land line - no mean feat. Get them at the post office which is only open 7 am to noon three days a week. Since it's a non trivial exercise to get to where the post office is, it hasn't happened. Now I have a card, I can call granny and wish here a h-b'day. I'll row into the dock about 6 am tomorrow and try to do that.
Not much to say, sat on the anchor most of the day - did motor out and look at the pass and outside this morning, then sailed about 8 m to look at the other pass, and then motored back to put the hook down roughly where I was. There's really only one comfortable place to anchor in this wind. The excitement was when I dropped the dinghy painter and it took off in the wind - another yachtie retreived for me before I'd swum far.
Dinghy's is a topic. the little hard one I have works well rowing and even the elec motor works ok but the reality is that you really need something more substancial - a RIB (rigid bottom inflatable boat) with at least a 10, preferably larger outboard to handle the waves, distances etc. Trying to snorkel off the little pram is difficult at best. I do have the inflatable but it rows like a pig and doesn't motor at all well because the bottom is soft. Other than that things are fine. Perhaps if you come down here, you can take the dive course with the chap I've been diving with here in Rangi - he's good.
Take care of yourself and have fun - you seem to. I hope life is treating you well and you're happy both at the surface level which we and other see as well as deeper down. You get one trip around the track of life, no going back, and no time outs. You'll regret things you didn't do more than rejoice the things you did - for the most part. I've had fun along the way, and I have three great kids to show for it.
At 25/05/2011 12:56 AM (utc) our position was 14°58.07'S 147°38.21'W
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Dear work
I was having so much fun here that I decided to stay for a second helping of dessert, and by stay I mean missed my plane... and by dessert well it was fantastic and I did have a second helping, so the evening wasn't a total loss ;)
I will apologize in advance though, I'm sorry. I'm anticipating an 8 on the zombie scale, and will most likely need more than one coffee tomorrow. I will *try* to take that into account before calling anyone's intelligence in to question in my outside voice... I promise.
I think my wild angels need a break, luckily I have more than one amazing friend who has offered to pick me up at the airport.
Thanks so much guys, sometimes things work out despite me ;)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
From the Captain...
Sounded like a good weekend with your winning run and the damage sustained by the third baseman. Mom said she hadn't heard from you then seemed to recall it was a long weekend and you likely had ball.
I got in another pass dive with the same guy - and again lucked out because it was just with him and another local. I think this was mostly because we spent a couple of hours talking about his pet project from an engineering perspective. Anyway, we started out over deep water, well away from the wall and dropped immediately down to 135', to see hundreds of grey sharks below, and then the current carried us into the midst of them! These guys aren't small, 3+ m. They apparently come here to breed, and he was looking for "great hammerheads" that sometimes feed on the greys. Didn't see any of them, which from my point of view was just as well. It's quite something to be busy looking down at all these sharks and then to look sideways and seem some swimming on the same level, and then look up and see some above you. All is well. Drifted through those and then came up close to the wall, seeing some large barracuda on the way. Next drifted over the coral gardens and immense variety of colors and sizes of tropical fish ending up in a canyon where we stopped for awhile in a hole out of the current. In there was a very big Moray eel, at a "cleaning station" - the head of the eel was pretty close to 12" across with it's mouth (and teeth) wide open and the little fish darting in and out and around, picking out and cleaning teeth etc. Neat to watch - and an interesting piece of symbiosis. Next we went up and out and got carried along in and out of three canyons including the one he'd like to put a tunnel / viewing station in to allow tourists to walk down in shirt sleeves, to get deep enough to see the big sharks in their environment. I think it could be built, but I really doubt it would be financially viable. finally we came out of there and drifted at speed over a plain of dead coral that is slowly recovering. Much of the coral around here, especially that in shallower water was killed by the El Nino years (too warm, too much fresh water) a few years ago.
The total drift was 1.5 to 2 nm over 55 minutes. If we get the opportunity, this would be a good place to get certified with this guy - though I'm sure there are other places equally as good. The nice thing here is that he doesn't take life seriously, so the operation is small and shoestring, and informal. I've been watching daily other dive boats going out, doing the same thing with 10 or 12 clients and one dive master with a helper - and here I've had a super diver all to myself for three great dives.
Anyway, I can't really describe what I've seen and done, and I can't take photos or video (even if I had the gear) just because to do so would require so much focus, skill etc that I wouldn't see anything myself - so consider the stuff you see on National Geographic or PBS - and that's really whats here. With any luck, I'll see some Manta Rays at the next island or after that. The next stop is Tike?? atoll, about 35 nm away - say 8 hours where there are supposed to be rays. It's a much smaller place. From there I'll head down to Moorea and Tahiti.
That's about it - not sure how long I'll hang into this life style but it is "interesting" - we'll see.
At 25/05/2011 12:56 AM (utc) our position was 14°58.07'S 147°38.21'W
Part Saturday, take 1. "Green boob and Sam"
I hardly know where to begin, or how many parts this epic weekend is going to turn into... but I had such a fantastic time, got to reconnect with old friends and met a few new ones it was awesomesauce!!!! Oh, yeah and the girls on our team? Rocked all weekend!
Saturday we played a really good team from Calgary, and it was close the entire game... I got a deceiving blooper of a hit out towards left center, and was half way to second when the fielder bobbled it! there was an echoing boom as I broke the speed of sound, with my third base coach calling me to third... about half way there he got the *oh shit* look on his face and gave me the pointers *down to the bag*
I wasn't close enough! I closed my eyes and did the superman dive flattening myself out to a mere shadow. In the meantime the incoming throw was off, and the third baseman was forced to step directly into my path to the bag... I stopped in a cloud of dust, very abruptly... my head, his shin... and one arm on either side.
The ump yelling "SAFE!" cut through the surrounding din... I relaxed and just lay there for a minute giggling (cause you know, I'm sensitive like that).
I would like to take this moment to apologize to everyone on the field with first aid... next time I'll give the courtesy wave with an "I'm okay!" despite the tender bit on my head...
It was totally worth it, with one out and Jessie up to bat all he had to do was hit the ball... and I was the winning run in! *happy dance*
Oh right, the title might be a little confusing... until I tell you that it turns out I bruised my boob on that slide into third. Betcha third's shin looks way better ;)
Also from the Captain...
Anyway, I'm hooked so I'm doing another dive tomorrow so here for at least another day.
Did a dive on the anchor this after noon and found, despite "setting it" and at least two nites of really high winds etc. the anchor itself was sitting on the bottom not dug in AT ALL. The chain was wrapped in a big zig zag between lumps of corral and there was no way the boat was going anywhere. I would not have been able to pull it up either. So, I unwrapped it to reduce the damage and carried the anchor and chain over some and manually reset into sand. Hopefully it stays, and if we drag, won't go far before hanging up in more coral. See what happens but I think I'll get into the practise of hanging an anchor bouy and trying to anchor in shallower water where I can see the set without having to use a tank.
That's about it. More and more I'm thinking of wintering the boat on the hard in Tahiti or Fiji, and coming home for the ski season so I can do the islands for a couple of months before maybe heading north.
If you get the chance when home, you could climb the radio tire and slack off the bolts at the antenna rotator and use a pipe wrench to point it south. PLEASE clip in, it's not that difficult. The rotator isn't working (blowing fuses) which suggests a problem with the rotator or the antenna itself is jammed. There is a bearing / guide at the top of the tower where there could be a problem so if it doesn't rotate easily with the pipe wrench, then you could have a look there. Whatever you do, take care and be safe. I think you need 9/16" wrench for the bolts on the clamp that holds the base of the mast at the rotator. When I get home, I'll probably have to pull the rotator out for a rebuild - unless the cause of the blown fuses can be found elsewhere (top of the tower?). So, if you have time and conditons work, have a look. If not, so be it. I did talk to Mom on the home rig using the wire antenna the other day. It was really shakey and weak but it did work.
That's about it, take care of yourself - have fun, drive safe and play fair to yourself.
Love Dad
From the Captain
Hooked up with a local divemaster and did an introductory dive to get comfortable and check equipment and technique today. Saw a lot of tropical fish, a good sized (3.5 m)white tipped shark from less than 10 m, sea horse, moray eel with a head 250 mm dia and a lot of teeth, and lots of other stuff. Basically all went well, no problems and I'm comfortable to go in the deep water in the pass. Rounded things out with the dive master who wanted to discuss a project to build a tunnel and underwater viewing chamber at 20 m deep, so spent an hour or so "concept engineering". Left him with some thoughts etc. but made it very clear that I was not an expert, and not interested in being involved and that he needed to talk to someone a lot more knowledgable before he goes further. I think the project may be feasible, but expensive.
Anyway, that's been a high point. Wish I had bought your camera or similar before I left with a housing, it would have been a good tool.
Take care, hope all is well. You'd be having fun here.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
GOOOOOO CANUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sent... While in transit ;)
From the Captain
Motored through the pass - wasn't sure what the tide was like when I entered and it was jus tlike home, muscling thour Dodds. Walked back a couple of hours later to see 2+m standing waves (ebb tide about 6 k gainst incoming swell - impressive, I was lucky with my timing. The weathe is flakey. Sailed most of yesterday getting here (26 hour trip) but the winds shifted a lot and losing it when it's dark is a paint not first get the sails drawing again on a new course, and then to scync in the Autohelm. Pain. About an hour out a sqaull came over and I got very well rained on - but the wind came up and I was to 7 to 8.5 k for maybe 20 min. good fun.
Take care, get the skin pads and the right peddles and quit doing body damage on the bike. You need to be intact come ski season, especially if I'm home in Feb - and Daniel is available.
Yes Dad, I'll try... but its not like I was trying to do any damage in the first place! ;) ~S
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
I almost crashed my brains out
The only thing propelling me forward is my stubborness.
Today I am not one with my bike. Today we ride as individuals in an epic clash of wills. For the umpteenth time I look down at my back tire. It feels flat, and I'm all over the place. Its as if my back wheel isn't attached properly and is floating along behind me like Scrat chasing his acorn. *ooooh shiny!*
That audible gulp that just eclipsed the sound of my hammering heartbeat, is the last thing you hear before I almost eat tree bark. I stop, and remove my sunglasses which are no longer suitable for the contrasting streaks of sunset and shadow streaming through the trees.
For the fifth time in as many rides I flipped off my flippin' pedal and bashed my shin. I think someone is messing with me... because its laughing at me now.
*mimicking voice* Biking is good for you they say, helps you get in shape they say... Obviously they're not doing it the way I do. How many times is it before they commit you after multiple self-inflicted injuries of the same kind? I'm pretty sure I've used up both of our quotas...
On the way back down my breathing smooths out with the trail, and I am able to spare a glance to my surroundings... it's breathtakingly magical. I'm flowing through gently rolling grassy hills, dotted with bright yellow balsam root plants. I can hear birds singing and there is a peacefulness descending with the setting sun.
The worries of the day, and the struggles of the last two hours are forgotten somewhere along the trail... This is why biking is good for me.
From the Captain...
Moving on, got some swimming and snorkelling in but didn't get the drift dive done because of a fuel delilvery on "island time". That's life. Take care
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
From the Captain
Got here yesterday and after listening to the engine for 4 days it is lovely. Anchored inside the atol in about 45' with about 7 other boats including one with a crew from Calgary. The town is about 1000 and the local baker is the mover and shaker - came round to the boats this morning, and since I was new I got his little hand out etc. and a loaf of coconut bread which is very nice for about 2 bucks. Like Europe, things are baked fresh daily. He organizes fuel and delivers it, beach parties, dive and snorkel trips, engine repairs and being leader of the local Morman church, will on request save your soul -- for a price!
Had a real treat - a couple of young guys in the out rigger canoes were "giving chase" - I was running the elec. outboard on the dingy and they were going as fast or faster having a great time. Anyway, they'd snuggle up, or draft in my wake shouting and laughing. So we "chatted" - them in french me in english - it was a hoot but I asked if I could paddle their canoe. Well - this was novel. One young (you'd appreciate his body) buck transfered to the dink, then made sure I left my hat and wallet behind, and wanted my glasses as well until I'd assured him they were tied on, and I transferred to the canoe - which is really narrow and unstable - they were sure I was going to dump and in the first 10 sec or so, they were nearly right. Once I got the balance sorted - I took off and the other fellow in his canoe thought it was great since I could pace him and had control. They were really pleased and I think very surprised that I could handle the craft. Interesting boat - about 20' long, very narrow with the outrigger. You drive them by paddling one side and then the other with a single blade paddle. I could switch sides fluidly, and like I say, make the boat move etc. It was great fun.
That with the swim was the high point, it's quiet and comfortable here. I've rigged the boom tent to keep the sun off the cockpit and that's helped a lot.
So take care - I've found out that one option might be to leave the boat in Tahiti for the winter and come back to do more of the islands next spring, rather than beat all the way to and from NZ. That might make sense. Something to think on. Do you want to spend more time on the boat again or not.
Love Dad
Needed: Shin guards for everyday use
Falling angels
Sorry to twitter spam but a bunch of cherry blossoms just softly rained down on me it was like angel kisses ~HankThe perfect timing of this is ridiculous, it was just this morning I finally got my poop in a group to take a picture of our cherry tree out back, lit gently from behind with the rising sun... Only to discover that spring has been moving forward without me and I missed that blossom on the branches with no leaves phase *again*
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Idle thought
Monday, May 16, 2011
Taekwondo... Yep pretty much still awesome
In fact she complimented Lyle and I on our forward stance being a shining example for the rest of the class (who all have higher belts) *buffs nails*
Its been pretty cool lately though, I've been in a couple classes where we've done spinning turn kicks with a half jump thrown in. The coolest part though is that you totally get more momentum and it makes a big bang! *grins*
From the Captain
It's HOT.
The pilot charts say 0 fuel consumption,According to the Pilot chart program I should be in 12 to 15 k wind making 120 mpd under sail. -- I wish. There is no wind, and a long low glassy swell. There was a rain squall on the horizon but it slid behind me - I was hoping for a bit of wind and some rain to cool things down.
I'm a bit concerned about fuel in that I was running on the main tank and the engine wound down as fuel starved even though the tank is about half full. It's still got dirty Eureka fuel and the primary filter needs changing again. That load of fuel has become very expensive. Currently I'm running on one of the keel tanks. In an ideal world the wind will come up and I can shut of the engine so I don't need to get to the main tank fuel until afte I port where it's easier to change the filter.
I got thru on winlink last night, so hopefully there'll be a reply - I do look forward to news etc. I didn't connect with Gerry though. We'll have to see how this goes, but I seem to spend a lot more time looking at courses u p through Kirbata (Line Islands) as opposed to those to Tonga, Fiji, and NZ.
Not much else to say. Joanie is here and fine, though it's a bit tough sharing the boat space in the heat and the lack of wind. We did a few days in the bays at Nuka HIve and then are moving on to Manihi Atoll.
Anyway, take care. Miss being home and considering cutting things short and heading north towards Hawaii. I don't like the long passages or the heat.
Love Dad
At 15/05/2011 4:14 AM (utc) our position was 10°25.42'S 141°55.62'W
Bike 2... Sam 0
"Some friends are getting together for a ride you want to join?"... 2 and a half hours later I returned to the parking lot... sweaty, bleeding... and very much alive!
Hey Mom, check it out! There are chocolate lilies in bloom right now *smiles*
I even got to see my first rattlesnake EVAR! James rode past and ticked him off, so there he was all coiled up hovering and ready to strike! Leigh and I had to hike *around* the trail with our bikes... whilst watching for more. Everyone else wussed out and went around.
Leigh is from the land where scary poisonous things are way bigger and scarier than they are here, and well I figured we knew where *this* rattlesnake was why take the untested trail?!? ;) Ooooh and I learned that in Australia you don't pronounce names like you do over here... For instance you say Danny-L. rather than dan-yell. Guess we've got the wrong em-PHAH-sis on the wrong syl-LAL-bull ;)
Closer to the end of the ride I popped my chain off my bike going through a jiggly bit... obviously The Fury was trying to tell me it needs some love, because when I flipped it around so I could un-jam it... it bit me with the large cog! It was a not so gentle reminder that I need to get shin guards for every day riding... I swear it didn't look too bad until I got back to the parking lot, then it looked like I'd been bitten by a Bacchae:
We also saw 7 deer over the course of the ride just hanging out mowing down on grass, two of which were mule deer! (see I was paying attention)
As far as I'm concerned it was a fairly big ride, but it was soooo super awesome that I did it again on Sunday *grins* besides, my Bacchae bite was mostly healed... and it was time for the not so subtle reminder that I need to change my pedals because the stock ones SUCK!
I think my legs are pressing charges for neglect causing bodily harm, or appendage abuse and battery... either way it isn't looking good for me. But really, could I pass this up??! I think not, I know I'm spoiled ;)
Answer me this
When I was little it was a paralytic fear, I would swallow my tongue and have to hang up before I could breath again. Now I'm still nervous, but people even call me back sometimes!
First of all, they're the reason we're all in a rush to get to the phone... remember back in the day, like waaaay back when you used to let the phone ring like ten times before giving up? Because the person on the other end had to be able to get from anywhere in the house, or maybe even outside to where the phone was *attached* to the wall? Now we've got what, four rings?
If it rings more than four times now you get confused... should I hang up? Maybe if I let it ring a couple more times they'll answer, or the answering machine will pick up and I'll know what to do.
They always start with the automated instructions, as if we don't all know how to use one by now... and why they have so many options now? I mean really why would I need to press a button to modify my message... rather than hang up and try again... Besides, do you have any idea how long we'll be here if I keep trying until it sounds normal?!?!
It doesn't seem to matter how long the message is, I'm never ready when it's done and that damn beep sounds.
It might as well be a brain de-neuralizer, cause whatever I called you about to begin with... well, it's gone now.
So if I've ever left you a message that you couldn't understand, let me explain. That first pause... the one that makes you think you've been butt-dialed, is me thinking... "Shoot it's not too late where they are is it?!? *phew* nope good, that's not why they didn't answer the phone... should I leave a message? I can't remember if they have call display, nuts I might as well leave a message now, then at least they'll know I've been thinking about them... crap what was I even calling about?"
What I actually say in an over-enthusiastic I'm just sooo happy to be talking to you tonight I'm bubbling voice is: "Hi, it's Sam andIwasjustcallingtoseewhatyou'reupto... so, uh I'lltryyouaginsoon! Bye."
Friday, May 13, 2011
It started out like any other day
After 5 seconds of uncontrollable panic I remembered where I had it last, where I'd left it... and that it *wasn't* in the car with me.
The next 20 seconds consisted of tearing apart all the places I keep spare change, namely the bottom of my purse and my left cup holder. The most significant piece of change a quarter in one and a dime in the other, pathetic I know. This was about the time I decided it would be really handy to have an emergency credit card in the car.
It then occurred to me that I was more upset I couldn't get my morning coffee than the fact that I'd just driven across town sans license... priorities right? *shakes head*
I started to pull out of the parking lot, and one of my wild angels realizing that their job would be a teeny weeny little bit easier if I was at least awake and moderately coherent, yelled in my ear that I still had roll up the rim winnings in my *other* cup holder. I parked sideways across 2 parking spots, grabbed them and ran in! I asked the nice lady behind the counter with bated breath if they were still accepting them, and they were!!!!
*happy dance*
Who says Friday the 13th is unlucky? I didn't even get pulled over on my way home from work, so you can just stick that in your pipe and smoke it!
An example of how *not* to do it
Well I did my first go through the circuit, then a good short sprint across the mat... jumped and got *HUGE* air, and started my front kick. In the middle of I realized that kick was throwing my rotational balance off vertical and that things were not going as planned...
Next thing I knew I promptly bounce-landed on my left butt cheek in a rather abrupt manner, and the instructor was saying "ohmygoodnessareyouokay?"
Yes, yes I'm fine. I'm only crying on the inside. I just bruised my ego a little bit. Okay I lied, I bruised my ego a lot, it has just curled up into a ball and crawled into a hole... but that aside I'll be fine *pssshtt* what's a little bounce on a nice padded gym mat?
As I sauntered over to rejoin the end of the line to try it all over again all I wanted to do was check to make sure my butt didn't have a dent large enough to write off an SUV, but for the sake of what little remained of my pride and dignity, I didn't.
But you know what made up for it all? I totally nailed the flying side kick *snaps* that's right, mmmmhmmmm I did! I don't know if it actually looked as awesome as it felt and sounded... but I don't care, in my head it was Jackie Chan AWESOME!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
On matters of import, the Captain writes
Moved from Daniels bay back to Taipoa bay, ck'ed out with Gendarmes (customs) and then the intent was to get around the east end to a bay on the ne side - didn't make it so overnited in Controleur bay last nite, got in there almost in the dark, but the plus was the dark greybig dolphins that played about the boat in the swell for half an hour or more - they might be the pygmy orcas or mellon head whales that are supposed to be in the area - not sure but was neat. Today got around to the target bay on the ne side, walked on a sandy beach , chased crabs etc.
here tonight and perhaps tomorrow nite then head west for 4.5 days to the next island group.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
From the Captain...
(Uh... Sorry Dad, we're Canadian. Apparently we drink moonshine beer)
I still have not found a shower... other than a really grotty one that is totally unappealing, and from me that is saying a lot.
Went for a hike today up a very muddy trail to waterfall, took about 4 hours. Volcanic terrain. The trail was relativly easy, low grades, muddy and slippery and bouldery. What was interesting were all the low rock walls that were built over the centuries - the population in the valley was several thousand before whites - now maybe there's a dozen shacks / houses. We'd call them shacks but they are all that people require in this climate. The other thing is the vertical cliffs that rise up around you 200 m or so. Near the base of the waterfall the flat is maybe 70 m wide, then it goes vertical all around you in a kind of cul-de-sac. I kept losing my sense of vertical - it was like skiing and being whited out and your brain plays tricks. The think is, these vertical faces are green - and the brain just goes into overload saying "can't be" "reboot".
On the way out I got accosted by a young guy, incredible tatoos bone in ear etc. - wanting to "trade" - I ended up with some bananas and half a dozen huge grape fruits and help with watering the boat for a bottle of wine I don't want. Everyone is happy.
I'm sitting in "Daniels' Bay" which is the classic Marqueses setting, about 5 m west of the town but totally cut off.
Take care - and thanks for being there.
Kick back and keel over
I'd like to draw your attention to the second to last panel of Sitting is Killing you... with the angle of least strain.
Looks a lot like my extended hours University programming pose. And you thought it wasn't healthy to sit like that ;)
I wonder if work will let me go play outside? *hopeful look*
Monday, May 09, 2011
Uninterrupted days since last injury
Big First Aider: I pulled out the step ladder, and realized as I was about to climb up, that if I fell and the Little First Aider tried to catch me... not only would I injure the Little First Aider, but most likely myself as well!
Little First Aider: Can you imagine the amount of paperwork that would have been involved?!? That incident would have sparked safety meetings for the unforeseeable future, not to mention the associated procedural changes!
By having the Little First Aider climb the ladder (in heels even), they were able to completely eliminated the threat of incapacitating both of themselves at the same time. Way to keep the injury stats down, and remember that it's always the last step you have to be careful of!
Le Capeetain
Anyway, I'm here at Nuka Hiva. I moved from the town anchorage to "Daniels Bay" about 5 m west. A lot less rolly and quieter. I'll be here a couple of nights - there's a hike to the waterfall, and good water here. Spent the afternoon rowing around. Couple of big sea turtles in the bay, tropical fish amoung the coral heads (mostly dead due to El Nino - too warm water a couple years ago) Really neat volcanic geology.
I'll try and work up the enthusiasm to write a longer note in a day or so.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
He made it!!!
The Captain writes:
I'm here as you know. It's "interesting" and I think you'd like it. Coming in towards the island, there were large dolphins leaping several body lengths high - just because. I pulled into Bai du Controleur to clear the prop and on the way in there were about 40 smaller dolphins around the boat feeding, leisurely surfacing, and occasionally jumping in nice arcs etc. Neat. Lots of birds.
The prop clearing took seconds - I anchored and was in the water twice for perhaps 20 seconds and 40 seconds! Didn't know if was safe or not. The rope had a couple of neat half hitches around two of the prop blades. There are sharks about and the water wasn't very clear which is a bad time. Anyway, motored fine after that and got out of that bay and over to the next one where the town is. tired. Checked in this morning. The biggest hassle was the bank - the paper that lady generated is good for the forest industry. Spent much of the day walking, met a few yachties etc. - an Aussie was telling me that the big problem they now have is crocodiles. Seems they've been on a no kill list for 15 years or so and the population has exploded, so they are expanding their range - makes it so no one can swim or dive north of 25 deg S. The crocs apparently swim between the islands so while rivers and river estuaries are the primary habitat, it's no safe even out to sea. Apparently, the crocs are much more dangerous than sharks ever were. Apparently, the urban "greens" will not allow any control so a lot of coast is being written off - beautiful beaches etc. - with signs posted "Crocodile warning". Apparently they had a problem with German tourists who couldn't read the signs - they lost some so now the signs are bilingual - with German.
Such is life. I wonder if we'll see something the same our way with Grizzly Bears.
Have yet to write up the journal. Coming up to the island there was a faint smell of scorched ironing on the air - about 10 mi down wind of another island. Same smell once round the headland, and that identifies the land. they burn excess veg (grass cuttings, fonds etc. - I assume because they'd be buried in them otherwise. Goats graze on the hillsides. In town, chickens everywhere underfoot. occasional horse in use and 4x4's everywhere. The anchorage is rolly. It's hot. The internet sucks - painful slow. I can't skype - I did however get my VISA paid. Just about rested up - I think I'll move tomorrow to the next bay, I'm told it isn't as rolly and the water is good - I need to fill a tank. I started to get extravagant and use fresh water for washing stuff, myself included. Now showers here - well, that's not quite try - there is one that is pretty grotty, just cold water coming from a pipe in the ceiling. Mind you, "cold" is really tepid here. I've turned the fridge unit on again and filled it with water bottles. The beer is like pee and expensive - I got one can - enough. I was a bit messed about with time - still on west coast time and I finally got the correction - 2.5 hours. I'd figured 1 based on latitude. Anyway, I was due for lunch so I wandered into a "restaurant" - basically a rough shed on the dock. They offered me an omelette - which sounded ok, I made sure it had no cheese. I forgot that most places add milk. I paid the price this evening. The joys of the language barrier. Anyway, laundry is organized. I tried to do some shopping - not much in the store expect cans - which I have. And expensive. Anyway, I did get a chunk of sausage which will be a change and some bread and OJ concentrate. In the morning, there's produce at the market near the dock - so I can get some fresh stuff.
That's about it. Take care.
Love you. Hugs.
Thursday, May 05, 2011
Last night I had the strangest dream
Anyways between one of my sets, we were talking about the huge ship that was near us in the warehouse (I have no idea don't ask...I'm just the dream-walker) and I was looking around. Under the mast which was lying down and I found a bunch of freshly minted shiny gold and silver coins of various sizes and denominations. Scattered as if they'd fallen out of a bathing suit pocket during a dive roll...
My inner pirate was so stoked!
My waking self battled, torn between the need to get up and get to work on time and the desire to be a pirate when I grow up.
I wandered around and puzzled and puzzed, until it was time to go to work. I finally decided that my subconscious is trying to bribe me to get into shape, by dangling a tantalizing reward of pirate booty.
There is a problem when your subconscious fights with you. I know myself entirely too well, and I always lose ;)
Little ray of sunshine
Soothing a minor irritation I can't pinpoint the cause of.
You have no idea, that you just made my day.
But that is completely irrelevant.
Thank you :)
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
From the Captain
All is well, and BTW - I'm not anxious and fretting all the time anymore. This trip has done me good.
I mostly sucked at ball last night
Sorry what was that? Oh, there's a fence here?!?! Thanks for the heads up team...
Redemption is sweet ;)
"Success is waking up in the morning and bounding out of bed because there's something out there that you love to do, that you believe in, that you're good at - something that's bigger than you are, and you can hardly wait to get at it again."
~ Whit Hobbs
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Taking the wrong way 'round
Instead I ended up on the wrong side of the lake, looking for a connecting road that would take me down... all I found were no through roads and the curly-cues of organized suburbia.
The ride was perfect, or as perfect as it could have been for 20 minutes. Dead calm, tranquil... cool. The only sounds my tire tread on the trail, the wild turkeys and the 2 deer I startled bounding away. Fresh. Just me and the trail, oh and that rock.
Y'know some days even your lucky rocket ship underpants don't help... well getting lost was just the beginning. As I was loading my bike up on my rack, as high up as you can go on a Fit, I dropped it on my head. I think the fury was angry that we only did a teaser of a ride, cause that was like getting the leash out putting it on your dog and then walking around the block.
My head still hurts.
Top it all off with the Conservatives winning a majority government. I was voting for anyone but the Conservatives. I know these aren't sound political arguments, but Harper gives me the willies and I'm pretty sure he wears eye-liner.
Thanks to the women who came before me, I did exercise my right to vote, so that means I earned the right to complain about it... The fact that I can do both without fear of being reprimanded is something that shows how far we've come. Even if the choices are dismal, we still get to make them!
I think I need some lucky rocket ship underpants.
From the Captain...
that's about it - should make port Thurs or Friday. I'm hoping thurs but the winds were light today and I'm close hauled - making 3+ knots. things just picked up, currently doing 6 - it's dark out. If this holds most of the night and I can make 4 most of the next few days, Thursday might work.
Beautiful sunset. Different birds - one about the size of a large crow, built kinda plumpish, with relatively short wings was about. He bobs along between the waves hitting the water with his feet very 1- 15 m. Don't know what that's about. Certainly different. Flying fish. One about 250 mm got caught on deck but I was busy in squall mode so just flipped him back - don't think he made it. Pretty. Found a little dried up one this morning on the port deck.
That's bout it - meals are pretty simple. Ususally just a can or jar of something. Tonight boiled thelast of the potatoes, mashed, added dill, some onions and a tin of salmon - mix and eat. Some savory with the onions and dill covered the taste of the salmon that I don't particularly care for.
All is well
Love Dad
Monday, May 02, 2011
Growing old together
Little old lady: "Well how the he'll should I know?"
Little old man: "Stop yelling at me!"