Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Yesterday I was being a hooligan and throwing some eggs of questionable freshness over the wall and into the abandoned empty lot next door, when I heard an indignant voice shout

"Hey, what are you doing!"

I gasped and froze, and then scurried to close the garage door like a little kid who's about to get busted.

Then as a cover I came in and started doing dishes, only to have the Ninja come downstairs and ask how it went...

I confessed that I'd been scared off by a disembodied voice, when she smiled and admitted that she had been watching the eggs explode next door, and unable to contain her bubbling giggles any longer that she'd been the one to yell at me, and had been laughing since the eggs stopped exploding :p

Friday, June 09, 2017

No dog bed in this room now

This is the dog making sure I don't forget to take her when we move. So sweet :)
As if we would forget her, she's so awesome.

Wednesday, June 07, 2017

H.E. double hockey sticks NO!!

We've looked at numerous houses, but my favorite "Nope!" was the one where they'd put in extra padding under the carpet in the Master bedroom to try to make up for how uneven it was... It started with Kevin going "Girls, watch this" as he let go of the door and it closed itself...

Then on the way down the stairs I realized that the ceiling was sagging away from a wall that they'd removed most of in order to open things up a little... and someone had attempted a patch under the bathroom.... "Definitely, don't even maybe want to touch this place with a thirty nine and a half foot pole!!!"

My favorite though, was him pointing out the porch on the place across the street with the same sagging symptoms, since its a community I suspect they all have the same problem. It may be a fantastic neighborhood, but no bueno!!!

Saturday, June 03, 2017


I'm calling it... 11:28 pm the night before our open house, I've done the best I can with the time we had left. 

I'm so sticky and gross but also so exhausted I don't even know if I have enough energy left to take a shower.