Sunday, October 15, 2017
Saturday, October 07, 2017
Taking one for the team
Getting pulled over directly in front of your husband...
minus minus
Getting a text message from him with an audio clip of "All I do is win win win win win"...
So supportive
Sweating it out while the police officer reviews everything, giving you enough time to realize that you were doing 22 over the limit, and that they have the option of pulling your license in Massachusetts...
Even bigger minus minus
Taking one for the team by getting pulled over and keeping the police officer occupied while everyone else zips by...
So swell of you
Getting a warning from the very nice police officer because you have a very clean record...
Sweet relief
Pulling one over on your husband the perpetual jokester by texting that "it's not good" and switching drivers... only to then startle him with "Surprise!" When he gets out of the car to give you a hug...
Sending him his own audio clip back saying "22 over the limit and all I get is a warning" when he got a ticket last week?
Sweet sweet revenge ;)