Sunday, July 28, 2019

Achievement Unlocked

Just fixed a window screen that had been pulled out of the edge... with the same screen and edging stuff *buffs nails*

The story of my life

Samantha Vincent
Samantha Vincent on

Thursday, July 18, 2019

I still believe in magic

The coolest thing happened last weekend... I got to see fireflies! It has been on my "list" of things that I would like to experience in real life for the longest time, and while we were driving out to visit with the cousins...

I saw a little burst of yellow, long enough to register but quick enough to test your sanity - "I think I saw something? Wait... did I really? *bouncing* I THINK I JUST SAW A FIREFLY!!!!!"

All of a sudden I could see them all over the place! It was the coolest thing, this little flash of magic and then it moved!

If I were any younger I would totally be the little kid that got lost chasing fireflies...  or followed the wisps to the witches door :p

In my hunting I caught 3 in a container that one of the cousins gave me, but I noticed that only one of them lit up while they were inside so I let them go which was super cool because they all flashed "see yah!" on their way out! and then later when I couldn't stop thinking about how cool it was that they were just flying around outside I went out and caught one in my hands!!! Ok, so I say "caught" but as soon as I thought I had it, it crawled out a little hole by my thumb and then flew away.

*contented smile*

Tuesday, March 05, 2019


We've determined that my roommate's dog is a Carbihore.

She will do *anything* for bready products.

She can be dead asleep upstairs and if you so much as open the cupboard containing the bread somehow she knows and will be poking her nose around the corner like this:


It reminds me of stories I head about my Dad's dog Toby, he was stone deaf... you could shoot a starting gun off next to him and he wouldn't move... but if you crinkled a candy wrapper? He would show up out of NOWHERE!

This feels kinda like that.