My buddy had been bragging about all the fishies they'd caught on Swan the day before, and that they were just *nailing* them with the purple docks... a half an hour later I was skeptical, and had no sooner finished voicing my skepticism when *BAM* he gets a fish!
I kid you not, it happens like this all the time with us.
He reels it in, and it's probably a 2 lb'er... not huge by any standard, but still a fish. He looked at it, then offered it to me for dinner, finally he gets it off the hook and leaving it in the net I put it back in the water to rinse off all the slimy bits. The poor fish lies in the water upside down, noooot lookin' so good.
So I get him back in the boat, and I'm trying to find something to bean him with... when Eddie picks him up and says "Man I hate doing this..." and goes to smack him on the side of the boat...
Time slowed down, and I watched... powerless to change the course of my dinner as it slides out of his hands, taps the side of the boat... and *sploosh* the fish that 10 seconds before looked dead, does a quick *flip* *flip* with his entire body and tail... and is gone.
We looked at each other for a shocked second of silence and then *roared* laughing! I mean really, what else are you gonna do?!?
Just think though, somewhere tonight there's a fishy swimming around with a headache and no recollection of what happened, wondering what kind of bender he was on ;)
But really, I can't complain too much... you know what they say about a bad day fishing? Well, even if you don't... just look at this sunset...
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