So I was cleaning out my closet the other day, because I had been thinking for awhile that there were things I hadn't used in it in probably over a year... and truth be told, I haven't seen my portable bike tire pump in awhile *sheepish look*
Stuff was coming out of that little closet at an amazing rate... and promptly expanding to fill my living room. I was doing great! I got all the way to the very bottom of the closet, pulled out the last thing on the floor, when out struts Mr. Shinybutt looking like he's out for a Sunday stroll, dressed in his weekend best...
I jumped up, and ran and grabbed my blue plastic spider catching cup... and *plop* just like that, limited his strolling area.
Then I began to wonder what kind of spider he was... was he a black widow? I mean he was pretty shiny with a super big butt... I dashed into the kitchen and took down the oldest of creepy-crawly catcher and observation chambers...
The Mason jar.
I lifted up the cup, to find that Mr. Shinybutt had gone from Sunday stroll to angry monster-truck rally smash-to-pass... and he was coming for me!!! EEEeeep!!! I *clunked* the Mason jar down, and took a breath while he did a great Nascar impression around the inside rim of the jar...
Then I carefully slid a piece of thick paper underneath and flipped both it and the jar over... Now *usually* when you do this particular maneuver, the spider falls to the bottom of the jar... but nooooo not Mr. Shinybutt *he* continued to do his breakneck speed loser laps upside-down!!!
Now I knew that he couldn't bite through the paper, but just thinking about that gave me the heebie-jeebies... I mean, all that was between my finger and his fangs was a single. piece. of. paper.
I fixed that little problem though...
I then spent the rest of the evening lying on the floor with a flashlight, tapping the paper and the jar trying to see the underside of Mr. Shinybutt to no avail...
Needless to say, that was the end of me accomplishing anything productive for the rest of the evening :p
Stuff was coming out of that little closet at an amazing rate... and promptly expanding to fill my living room. I was doing great! I got all the way to the very bottom of the closet, pulled out the last thing on the floor, when out struts Mr. Shinybutt looking like he's out for a Sunday stroll, dressed in his weekend best...
I jumped up, and ran and grabbed my blue plastic spider catching cup... and *plop* just like that, limited his strolling area.
Then I began to wonder what kind of spider he was... was he a black widow? I mean he was pretty shiny with a super big butt... I dashed into the kitchen and took down the oldest of creepy-crawly catcher and observation chambers...
The Mason jar.
I lifted up the cup, to find that Mr. Shinybutt had gone from Sunday stroll to angry monster-truck rally smash-to-pass... and he was coming for me!!! EEEeeep!!! I *clunked* the Mason jar down, and took a breath while he did a great Nascar impression around the inside rim of the jar...
Then I carefully slid a piece of thick paper underneath and flipped both it and the jar over... Now *usually* when you do this particular maneuver, the spider falls to the bottom of the jar... but nooooo not Mr. Shinybutt *he* continued to do his breakneck speed loser laps upside-down!!!
Now I knew that he couldn't bite through the paper, but just thinking about that gave me the heebie-jeebies... I mean, all that was between my finger and his fangs was a single. piece. of. paper.
I fixed that little problem though...
I then spent the rest of the evening lying on the floor with a flashlight, tapping the paper and the jar trying to see the underside of Mr. Shinybutt to no avail...
Needless to say, that was the end of me accomplishing anything productive for the rest of the evening :p
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