Tuesday, December 27, 2022

BC Ferries Announcement

Just what you don't want to hear at the beginning of your voyage in an accent that reminded me of my Grandfather from the Czech Republic:

We’re behind schedule due to mechanical malfunction which has been fixed for the moment.

It ended up being just fine, huge shout out to the staff for the humor under pressure and a safe voyage.

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Things I have learned: Don't try to picnic at the dog park

Today’s post would be aptly described with a side-by-side picture of “what I envisioned” and “what actually happened” … however what happened was such a disaster we didn’t have time to take a picture!

Let me paint you a picture…

We were thinking how nice it would be to go to the beach and eat dinner while watching the sunset, and that we should take the dog. Which of course necessitated going to “the dog beach”.
It'll be nice we thought, it isn't summer yet, it shouldn't be too busy...

The reality was that every time we opened the chicken salad, dogs came out of nowhere stretching their noses as close as they could get to the foods… it was chaotic to say the least.

The best one by far was a Beagle named Ares, he snuffled, circled, and sat down in front of the Ninja… did all his tricks and then barked a distinct “C’mon!” when he didn’t get a treat as his owner called him away :)

To be fair, we *were* at the dog beach... 

Next time we will eat at the park *then* go to the dog beach!

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Beg your pardon?!?

The other day the music teacher sent her student into the storage room to grab a drum... the following conversation ensued: 

Student: "There's a bong in here."

 Music teacher: "What?!?" 

Student: "There's a bong in here!" 

 Music teacher *walks into the storage room and looks* 

Music teacher: "That's a gong..." 

 Student: "Oh."