Thursday, June 21, 2012

The thoughts that you think

I like to look around while running and biking... especially when it's on the road, I mean it's not like any cantankerous old root is going to toss you off the trail. When I tree planted for a summer, one of the most important things I learned was that my body can do a LOT more than I think it can. So I like to let it do it's thing, while I let my mind wander...

I don't really know what most people think while they're training... or participating in physical activities. But I'm totally the kid that's standing out in the middle of the soccer field watching the swallows flit around... until the balls rolls by. Then you can't tell which position I'm *supposed* to be playing... in fact about the only thing that is certain, is that I'm not playing goal.

So the inspirational thought we had while training this week, was that
If this triathlon was a three day event... we'd be awesome!
We've done the full bike, which wasn't too bad... and we've done the full run, which has some *holy crap* hills in the middle of it... like I kid you not, uphill BOTH ways.  Now *I* was under the impression that a "sprint" distance triathlon was an introductory one, like I've decided to try something other than convincing myself that I'm "active" 3-4 times a week.

This could be the death of me.  Hmmmm that could explain why Mitts is more excited about it than I am...

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