Thursday, October 04, 2012

I'll never make it as an old person...

I usually sleep through the night, or I sleepwalk to the washroom... I'm not really sure which, but in any case last night I woke up at least three times. Waking up in the middle of the night, soooo doesn't work for me getting a good [night's|nights]? sleep...


My brain struggles reconcile the sound of something falling into the middle of a pond, with the fact that it knows I'm waking up in my two bedroom basement suite.

The final tug into the waking world comes from the semi-coherent thought that only thing that could possibly make any sense at all, is that I may knocked over my water bottle...

Groggily I roll over and realize it was my phone that I knocked off the bed... *squints* That means my alarm went off at least once (because I don't actually sleep with my phone)...

I scoop it up and poke it into wakefulness, peering at it with one eye still squeezed shut, making no attempt to hide the protest against the glow bathing my face.

Simultaneously an alarm goes off in my head as a medical dosage of adrenalin is shot into my bloodstream while the numbers 7:26 burn themselves into my grey matter.

At the very latest I should have left for work one minute ago...


I'm not particularly proud to say that I did the fireman this morning... except that not only did I get up, dressed and out the door in five minutes, I also remembered to put on deodorant.

You're welcome.

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