Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Is Mom there?

After an epic battle I was rudely awakened from the depths of slumber at 4am... uh not feeling so good...

I hate being sick, I so wouldn't have survived back in the day when sick or not you still had livestock to look after, or bandits to fight, or dragons to slay...

It served as a not so gentle reminder that no matter how healthy you are, how old you are, how well you are doing in life, or anything else for that matter... all it takes is the flu, for you to be reduced to a blubbering pile of pathetic goo that just wants its Mom.

I even tried calling my Mom actually, but she was sick too *pouts* I talked to Dad for a bit but it just wasn't the same (sorry Dad) sometimes a girl just needs her Mom... and chicken soup, and a movie... thank goodness I have people in my life looking out for me, thanks guys!

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