Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Back to today!


I've tried my best to more or less pick up where I left off and fill everything in, including the diesel clouded details of my earlier posting. I apologize profusely for the vagueness of that last post, I was under the sleep deprived impression that we would have wireless soon and I could clear up all the details. Little did I have any idea how long it would take me to articulate it all, with even the least bit of intelligence.

Thanks for reading, and thanks so much for all the support *smiles* you probably want to start way back here... and then skip through using the 'Newer Post' link at the bottom... Gah. Sorry 'bout that ;o)


  1. Thanks Sam for the rampage of new postings. It took some time to read them all but I feel caught up on all the excitement of the last week. Always glad to hear you are both safe and still enjoying yourselves.

  2. hey.. glad you found the place to work on the engine, etc... a few of us breathed a deep breath of relief!

    thought you might like to check out this link..


    Tony Latimer and Pat Thompson, from Victoria are off on an extended sail in their gaff rigged schooner - Forbes & Cameron. They are down in the Baha these days, doing some work on their boat before their next leg. They are fine musicians, both formerly active at the Victoria folk. Tony used to be the weatherman on one of the Victoria TV stations. He designed and built the Forbes & Cameron.

    If you happened to run into them you could probably have a wonderful time hanging out singing your lungs out.

    Auntie Helen
